Bunker Partnerships

Our unique partnerships are designed to benefit our customers and help elevate great brands working toward the future of work. We are always looking to expand our national partnership network- reach out today to see how we can work together!



BizFiling’s single focus is to help entrepreneurs and business owners start, run and grow their companies. They work with companies of all sizes and offer products, services, and tools that provide companies the support they need throughout the life of their business. BizFilings is offering a 20% discount to Bunker customers to help register their business. Click below to access the discount code!

Who is Bunker?

Our mission is to make business insurance a painless process for freelancers, independent contractors, and small businesses. Our flexible insurance options allow freelancers to pay only for the coverage they need. Our compliance management software brings speed and transparency to the compliance process. As you can tell, we are pretty excited about the future of work!

Interested in partnering with Bunker?

Tell us a little about yourself and someone from team Bunker will be in touch within 2 business days. We love connecting with like-minded organizations that have a passion for the future of work and look forward to meeting you!

You can always call (877) 968-9108 if you want to connect with us sooner.


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If your interested in learning more visit https://www.buildbunker.com/ or contact us at support@buildbunker.com

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Removing Insurance barriers for thousands of Clarks at BunkerRemoving Insurance Barriers for Thousands of ‘Clarks’ at Bunker

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